MEMBERS of the Brunel Shed in Corsham are looking for a helping hand to assist with their ambitious project to restore a 1.5 tonne stone quarry trolley for a sculpture that will symbolise the town's industrial past.

This is the first major project for the Brunel Shed, which is based at the Potley and Pockeridge Community Centre, who hope to turn one of the trolleys from Hanson's stone quarry near Monks Park into a statue for the renovated space outside of Springfield Community Campus.

Humphry Barnikel of the Brunel Shed said: "Somebody in the men's shed got hold of the fact that they were there and there is about four or five of them and we will probably pick the best two. They used to be used underground to pull the five tonne stone slabs and they have been sitting there in a heap in the bushed for a considerable time.

"We need help to get them to the car park next to Springfield Community Campus. I was wondering if a skip firm would be able to help out or anyone who has got the equipment like a flatbed lorry and lifting equipment to drive them there and help us unload them."

After the trolleys have been moved from the quarry, the shed members, who have quite a large engineering background, hope to repair one frame using the parts from the other.

"The basic chassis is there and the two heavy timbers that go on the side should be fine," Mr Barnikel explained. "Whereas the two lighter bits of timber where the stone rests on might need to be replaced but we are quite good at finding that sort of stuff now."

Since its renovation, the men's shed has gone from strength to strength with a dozen members attending their Monday session from 10am-1pm and Thursday from 7-9pm. A ladies session and slots for carers and those with Alzheimers may be created in the future.

"It is fantastic," Mr Barnikel said. "We are starting to reach the people who really need this sort of thing. We are getting to the stage where people have heard about us and to some people it is quite important to them."

Anyone who can volunteer their services to help move the trolleys should email or call Humphry Barnikel on 01249 712015.