CHILDREN from St Peter’s Academy in Chippenham did their bit for the environment when they competed in the regional finals of one of the world’s biggest football tournaments for 10 to 12-year-olds.

The school took part in the ESFA Danone Nations Cup in Keynsham, when they turned their water bottles into medals by crushing them, heating them and using a tailor-made mould to form the medal after being knocked out of the tournament.

“They’ve worked really hard over the last few years and it’s the first time that we have got to this level,” said headteacher Mark Everett.

Marie Wendling, PR and events manager at Danone, said: “We hope this will inspire the children, teach them about the importance of recycling, and help bring about a change in behaviour when they next throw away their plastic bottles.”

Every year, 2.5million children worldwide take part in the ESFA Danone Nations Cup and 3,000 schools compete in the English leg, which is run by the English Schools’ Football Association.