A Chippenham powerlifter who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) has raised more than £1,000 after organising a strongman competition.

Dave Walsh organised Wiltshire’s Strongest Novice competition alongside friend Nick Millard, which saw 16 participants take part in five events including lifting a 115kg Atlas Stone over a yoke as well as a 220kg deadlift.

A total of £1,016 was raised from the event, held at Chippenham rugby club, which will go towards the MS Society, which supports people affected by the condition including sight loss, pain, fatigue, incontinence and disability.

“I had numbness around my whole body. Initially, I thought it was a trapped nerve in my neck,” said Mr Walsh, 29, who first noticed the signs of MS while training for Britain’s Natural Strongest Man.

“Then when I reached the final, I couldn’t keep my balance and was falling all over the place.

“I was diagnosed quickly, but I had lost a lot of strength in my legs. I had to take a break from training after the competition.

“I know I can’t participate as fully as I once did, but I’ve been getting involved in other sports that are easier on my legs.

“Though, it certainly hasn’t been easy watching the sport from the side. Running this event for charity is my way of staying involved in the community.

“My wife Adrianna and two daughters Lily and Ava, who are eight and six, were also a tremendous help. Adrianna put in so much effort getting local companies to donate raffle items.

“My artist Lily held her own face painting booth on the day for the other children, and little Ava did the cakes. It was a wonderful family-oriented day.”

Andy Jarret, area fundraiser for the MS Society, said: “We’re incredibly grateful to Dave and Nick and their families for organising such a wonderful and successful fundraiser.

“Their generous donation will help fund research to beat MS and help us improve the lives of people affected by the condition.”