It seems the referendum is about a process rather than a vision, a process in how we are governed and about values rather than facts.

The present European system has its problems. There is an ever-widening gap between those who are flourishing and those who are unemployed, have had their livelihoods taken away or are struggling to keep up with bureaucracy. There are concerns about inequality and fairness.

Steve Hilton, known as David Cameron’s guru, is quoted as saying: “The UK is literally ungovernable as a democracy while it remains in a club that has been corruptly captured by a self-serving elite, whose policies are determined through processes we hardly understand, let alone control. Leaving is the idealistic choice. Taking back power from arrogant, unaccountable, hubristic elites and putting it where it belongs. In people’s hands.”

The referendum is showing the need to listen to all the concerns and to ensure they are addressed.

CHARMIAN SPICKERNELL Manor Court, Swan Road, Pewsey