THE EU is often described as “undemocratic”, but then it was never intended to be.

Further proof of this was given on April 10 when both the Dutch government and the (mis)leaders in Brussels ignored a near 66 per cent ‘no’ vote by the electorate in the Netherlands. Under the EU rules this vote should have stopped the proposal to grant visas to some 45 million Ukrainians.

This is the latest on top of ignored referenda results in Ireland, Greece, France and elsewhere. How clear does it have to get that staying in the EU is a complete surrender of our legitimate vote, both in domestic elections and referendums?

It is not scaremongering or 'Project Fear' to suggest that David Cameron and the others in the House of Commons who want us ‘in’ might do the same and ignore the result. I hope not, but then no doubt so did many Dutch voters over their result.

From time to time a letter is published asking “What’s the point of UKIP now we have our promised referendum?”

Brussels and the Dutch governments have just given you one very solid answer.


Former chairman

Devizes Constituency UKIP Association