Consultants have informed the council there are major problems with putting the skate park in Monkton Park in Chippenham. Not just one problem, but many, including drainage, flooding, a high water table under the site, noise issues, and the need for a 13 foot wall.

However, we are told the council is still going ahead.

All these problems will be expensive to solve. The true cost of this skatepark will never come to light. It must be huge already.

There are many very good causes which are being cut at this time, and it appears to me that the council has its priorities very wrong.

Perhaps it is time the council accepted that Monkton Park is not the best choice, and that other possible sites could provide a cheaper and better result. Also, those waiting to use the skate park would see it materialise much faster.

JILL TAYLOR, Monkton Park, Chippenham