I was impressed with the article you published by Michelle Donelan MP, on August 20.

Too little is being done to combat the effects of climate change, especially with the price of fossil fuels currently being so cheap, it gives people little incentive for the energy market to make a radical change towards renewable energy.

Whilst there is always the NIMBY attitude to solar farms, these have no damaging environmental impact, unlike fracking etc.

Spiritual leaders and even the big six energy companies are calling for a higher price on carbon.

There needs to be a carbon tax and although a price on carbon would increase prices on everything, the fee collected should be divided up and returned in equal measures to everyone so that we can all then make the green choices that would make real change possible.

The cost of governments continuing to bury their heads in the sand over this problem and not taking drastic action is too great a price to pay for the future of this world that we live in.

CATHERINE DE NEUMANN, St Martin’s, Marlborough