As a parent of two young musicians, I’ve just received a letter from Wiltshire Council, “where everybody matters”, which describes its plans to cut music provision for children in the county, including all instrumental lessons.

It claims that the Arts Council will sponsor a replacement for this service, though I note this is unsubstantiated by any evidence.

This is described as a cost-saving measure due to central government cuts, but given the massive subsidisation by parents this seems unlikely to be an effective strategy.

The reality is that they are cutting front-line staff who work for the benefit of the education of children in order to save back-room administrative jobs. A measure of its confidence in the support of parents may be the fact that not only has it excluded us from the consultation, but also chose to inform us on February 12 about a decision which will become a fait accompli on February 24. This is a disgraceful decision which, with no regard for those of us who pay council tax in the county, will deprive our young people of the opportunity to develop their abilities in the arts.

David Cooper, Bradford on Avon.