I read that Robert Hill died a while ago, the founder and owner of the Hills Group.

He was a polite and strong man who moved to Marlborough a while ago and, reading an old Gazette & Herald, I found out that the Green in Marlborough was once all grass and shaped into St George’s cross. History on its own.

The article stated that Mr Hill moved to Eagle House, The Green, and dug up the grass outside his house which is part of the Green and turned it into a car park which upset many people because the Green lost its original face of the cross.

Anybody can park on this hand-made car park by law (common ground) and when I did I was told it was not allowed in notes from the other house on this patch of history.

So my question is, have we lost the original face of the Green forever or can anybody claim this piece of land as their own?

Simon Brown, The Green, Marlborough.