I am glad the Prime Minister came to Wiltshire to visit the work at Kemble to organise our aid rapid response facility.

I am, however, appalled but not surprised by James Gray MP’s use of this visit and his column to attack the Lib Dem MP Michael Moore’s proposal to entrench the 0.7 per cent aid target in law.

He should, instead, be celebrating the fact that it is under the coalition Government that the UK has become the first of the G7 nations to reach this UN target.

All of the UK’s major aid charities are in favour of this step as it helps government to keep a focus on aid and through it the UK’s position in the world as a nation that does the right thing.

Mr Gray and his right-wing colleagues would, if they get the chance, do away with this and if truth be said, have done away with their leader were it not for the Liberal Democrats.

Dr Brian Mathew, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for North Wiltshire.