In his letter printed a short while ago Dr Brian Mathew commented that the decision to resurface the road between Slaughterford and Thickwood was worthy of appearing in Private Eye magazine and inferred that some skulduggery had taken place.

If he can provide evidence to that effect, he should produce it; otherwise he should apologise for misleading Wiltshire’s residents.

As an aspiring Wiltshire MP, Brian Mathew ought not be peddling the sort of mis-information relating to highways and other matters contained in his letter. It is a fact that the leader of the Liberal Democrat group within Wiltshire Council received the largest percentage increase of any councillor in his personal allowances.

It is a fact that the worst period of investment in Wiltshire’s roads occurred during the last Liberal administration in County Hall, whereas the present Conservative administration has increased the highways budget year-on-year since taking office and has just added a massive £52 million to fund even more highways improvements.

Dr Mathew states that ‘a stitch in time saves nine’. If that is the case, why didn’t the Liberal Democrats increase the highways budget when they controlled Wiltshire County Council?

Finally, it is a fact that there has been extensive consultation of the proposals to reorganise positive activities for young people and it is also a fact that the new financial proposals were approved with cross party support, including the Liberal Democrat group, during the Wiltshire Council budget debate.

Perhaps Dr Mathew should do his homework and get his facts right before he reaches for his pen in future!

Coun Alan Hill, Calne South and Cherhill division, Wiltshire Council.