If Brad Pitt lassos his first ever Best Actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of the eponymous outlaw in Andrew Dominik's handsome drama, it will be at the expense of an even better performance.

Co-star Casey Affleck, who portrays James's historically-maligned assassin, blows Pitt off screen with a performance of such intensity, it quite literally takes your breath away.

Crawling beneath the skin of a callow, envious pup, Affleck delivers a virtuoso turn of nuance and rare conviction, effortlessly reflecting the vortex of emotions that consumes Ford, turning adoration into hatred.

Folks sometimes take me for a nincompoop on account of the shabby first impression I make,'' jokes Bob when we first meet him, nervously attempting to ingratiate himself to Jesse's brother Frank (Sam Shepard), one of the ringleaders of the notorious James Gang.

The year is 1881, the final year of 34-year-old Jesse's life, and the James Gang continues to strike back at the Union by robbing greedy banks and railroad owners.

Evading enemies who would dearly love to collect the bounty on his head, Jesse is initially flattered by Bob's attentions but soon grows concerned by the young man's fixation.

Hero worship molders into jealousy as Bob realises he can never woo public affection like his charismatic idol.

So when authorities propose a bold, new plan of action Bob tentatively steps forward.

Aided by his brother Charley (Sam Rockwell), Bob bides his time, waiting for the perfect moment to knock Jesse off his pedestal.

The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford is a visually arresting tale of obsession and betrayal, melding an A-list Hollywood cast with New Zealand director Dominik's arthouse sensibilities.

Roger Deakins's gorgeous cinematography and Patricia Norris's breathtaking production design create some truly unforgettable images, like the night-time hold-up of a steam train.

Jesse stands defiantly on the tracks, his body gradually illuminated by the lamps of the locomotive as it emerges from the dark.

Hugh Ross's prosaic narration enriches the unfolding drama, providing greater insight to the characters' strained emotions.

The closing scenes, as Jesse senses Bob's murderous intent, expose the vulnerability of a rebel who lived and died in a blaze of glory.