It seems to me that the most important issue confronting the residents of Chippenham at the moment is the prospect of large scale estates being developed around the margins of the town, destroying it as a market town.

In view of this you might imagine that Chippenham Town Council would have a policy regarding development in and around the town.

But no, at the town council meeting on Wednesday, March 23, which I attended as a member of the public, hoping to hear where the council stood in relation the blandishments of the developers for the town to become ever bigger, the chairman of the planning committee announced that they had no policy.

The only suggestion offered was that members of the council and public might might like to write to Wiltshire Council expressing their personal views.

The town is under pressure and our local representatives have no policy. No doubt the developers in conjunction with Wiltshire Council will seize on the opportunity do to in Chippenham just as they please and the residents of Chippenham will suffer the results.

Martin Naylor, Greenway Gardens, Chippenham.