The recent well-attended health and adult social care event held in the Neeld Hall in Chippenham a couple of weeks ago gave the local community the opportunity to speak with local service providers and community groups.

It also gave the organisations attending the chance to make vital points of contact. It was pleasing to see many people take up the offer to exchange their slippers at the slipper exchange stand and, following on from this, we also were able to offer the exchange of slippers to the residents of Seymour House by letting representatives of the Area Board visit their home.

Despite the financial climate we are currently in, it is pleasing that by collaborative working things can still be achieved and the benefits can be seen by the local community, Wiltshire Council and the Area Board have highlighted the area of adult social care and both look to continually help and improve the service to local residents.

Coun Peter J Hutton, Area Board lead member, Health and adult social care.