A Disney-style theme park and 1,000 homes could be built at RAF Lyneham if the MoD decides not to use it for army personnel.

Businessman Eddy Shah has drawn up an alternative plan for the air base, which will close in September.

He says his plan for eco homes, three hotels, theme park, holiday village and a snow dome could provide 3,000 new jobs for the area.

A meeting for groups and organisations such as town and parish and town councils and business people has been organised in Wootton Bassett next week when the proposals will be outlined.

Wessex Association of Chambers of Commerce has organised the meeting for Wednesday, April 6 at the Wiltshire Golf and Country Club, in Wootton Bassett, from 6pm.

Included in the proposals for the site are an eco-village, with up to 1,000 sustainable and affordable homes; a children’s fun-themed hotel; a holiday village and hotel with leisure facilities similar to those found at Center Parcs; a Wiltshire heritage area to include Stonehenge and Avebury facsimiles and an RAF heritage site.

There could also be a Snowdome and an area set aside for light industry, retail area and a restaurants and cultural area.

The proposals said existing runways could be used as connecting roads.

Mr Shah, owner of the Wiltshire Golf and Country Club, said: “The preferred option is for the base to go to the Army.

“It would be ideal for returning troops from Germany and to merge smaller technical supply bases.

“But if the Government does not go for this option there has to be a second one. Doing nothing with the site is not an option.

“We need the immediate and unconditional support of the business community to lead us out of this challenging situation.

“As local people who create the jobs, we can change our environment for the better.

“Next week’s meeting is for those who would like to be part of a solution. It is up to us, as business people, to show the way. It is one way of showing David Cameron that business partnerships can pilot the base for his big society.

More details and pictures in this week's Gazette & Herald