I wrote to my MP James Gray recently to express my concerns over the Government’s plans to sell off the publicly owned forests in England.

I received a somewhat patronising reply, implying that protesters are being rather silly in opposing what will be an irreversible change in the way the small proportion of publicly owned forests are managed.

I am sure that most protesters are aware that 85 per cent of forests in England are privately owned. That is precisely why the remaining 15 per cent should remain public property. Despite the Government’s assurances, I do not believe that public rights of access will be unchanged and remain free.

Also, the Government should be leaders in the responsibility for our forests and to deliver their biodiversity obligations.

In his article in this paper Mr Gray says that he received more letters condemning the Government’s plan for our forests than any other subject, but will still be supporting it. Democracy in action.

Julie Silcox, Spirthill, Calne.