I agree with the sentiments expressed by MP Claire Perry regarding long-term care for veterans (Gazette, February 3). The members of our armed forces do not have unions, cannot strike and ultimately rely on government ministers to protect their interests.

However, I also note that Mrs Perry fully supports changing pension and benefit indexing from RPI to CPI. This change will have a severe impact on veterans by removing their long-term financial security. For instance, if this change goes ahead, a disabled double amputee 28-year-old Corporal would lose £587,000 by age 70. (Figures from the Services Pension Society.) The decision to move from RPI to CPI was made by the government with little or no consultation and they have failed to offer any independent evidence to justify this change. This is a major change and if it goes ahead it will affect millions of people. If the government has nothing to hide then there should be no problem in instigating an independent review to determine which inflation index is appropriate to UK residents. If it continues like this then inflation indexing will become a political football and the losers will be the vulnerable.

In addition to this, Mrs Perry’s office told me the new legislation will set CPI as the statutory minimum for pensions. It will therefore be possible for some schemes to make more generous increases. I checked with House of Commons Information Office and apparently some elements of MPs’ pensions still refer to RPI, for instance an MP who retired at the last general election will continue to get their pensions increased in line with RPI. In early December I wrote to Ms Perry’s office asking if she could explain why elements of MPs’ pensions still reflect RPI but I’m still awaiting a response.

If the information I received from the House of Commons Information Office turns out to be correct then the government has double standards regarding pension indexing, millions of people will be left on the statutory minimum (CPI) while a few privileged groups will grow richer and richer year on year.

Phil Robinson,Devizes.