I would like to thank everyone who supported the Winter Wonderland at Brook House Bromham before Christmas.

In total £11,000 was raised towards Rowdeford Charity’s latest project – a vocational training centre for children with special needs. It was truly overwhelming to see the number of people who came along.

I would particularly like to thank the people who made it possible because this was an event run entirely by volunteers. So, an enormous thank you to Mark and Cynthia Wilkinson for letting us use their magical garden which was just perfect for the occasion.

Thanks to the volunteers who came along and stood in the cold. The catering was magnificent. It was fantastic to have so many people so willing to help including Simon Church Electrical Contractors and friends, the Rotary Club, staff and parents from Rowdeford School, the Horton Art Group and the many stalwart helpers who quietly and regularly contribute their time make the charity’s events such a success. You know who you are.

Lambert Courth, Organiser, Winter Wonderland.