I was so irritated by the reported comment of Helen Haddrell the Highways Engineer, in the paper last week, that I have given instructions to our accounts department to withhold the payment of rates from our shop in Marlborough High Street (Susie Watson Designs) until the council has agreed compensation for the loss of business caused by the road works.

When asked by shop owners whether it would be possible for the Pewsey Road to remain open until after Christmas (after it is reopened for the Mop Fairs in October) Ms Haddrell apparently implied that this could not be done since it would mean Wiltshire Council having to pay penalties to the contractors for the delay.

No concern of course for the penalty suffered by the poor shopkeepers, some of whom may be driven out of business. Concern only for the council. The council should of course be working night and day to try to mitigate losses to the shopkeepers. Is it true that the works to the bridge are required solely to meet EU regulations? Perhaps the EU would like to provide compensation.

Hamish Watson, Riverside House, Axford.