LABOUR Peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon is campaigning against a new European directive which could force religious groups to employ atheists or members of other faiths in key positions.

The former Swindon MP is chairman of the Campaign for an Independent Britain and is putting pressure on Prime Minister Tony Blair to veto the ruling.

He believes the move would have far-reaching and damaging implications for all religious organisations.

He has taken up the issue after the director of The Christian Institute, Colin Hart, wrote to him to express his concerns.

The directive is due to be signed by the UK Government in September and would make it illegal for a church to advertise for Christian staff to fill posts such as the vicar's secretary or church warden.

Similarly, a synagogue would have to give equal opportunity for employment to Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and all other faiths for non-preaching roles.

Mr Hart said: This directive will make it impossible for churches, religious organisations and church schools to retain a distinctive religious ethos.

The Labour Party employs only card-carrying Labour Party members. A strict rule applies. Why shouldn't churches have the right to employ only Christians?

Lord Stoddart told the Adver he had received an acknowledgement of his letter to Mr Blair, in which he called for the proposal to be thoroughly examined at Cabinet level.