RECENT reports by the BBC have pretended that Britain not being in the euro is damaging our manufacturing industry, especially motor manufacturer companies such as Rover, Honda, Nissan and Ford.

The Beeb has also attempted to scare the public with tales of a two speed Europe in which Britain is being left behind.

These reports are well-spun political opinion and the only pro-British part of the BBC is now its name.

In truth it is the weakness of the euro that damages British industry and not the fact that we have chosen not to use it.

Trade with Europe and the collapse of the euro are important issues in Swindon, where so many families obtain work from companies that trade with Europe.

But trading with France or Germany does not mean that we must scrap the pound.

The key facts to consider are: Why does Gordon Brown need to keep the value of the £ so high? Why has the euro fallen against the dollar and other world currencies? And do we want the high levels of unemployment which prevail in France and Germany?

The two speed Europe is about a Franco German state with a common currency, common tax laws, common interest rates, and common levels of unemployment.

If being left behind means that we keep the £, our own government and low levels of unemployment,I would like to be even further behind their vision of Europe.


(Con, Shaw & Nine Elms), Swindon