VILLAGERS AT Crudwell can look forward to improvements to the village green by the post office once Wessex Water have completed work to replace a main pipeline to Hankerton.

Parish council chairman, Peter Gilchriest said: There's been quite a bit of digging, and they've made quite a mess, but these things have got to be done, and Wessex Water will have to make good what they have wrecked.

He said the parish council had asked Wessex Water to screen the sewerage pumping station on the green with hedging, treat the land with weedkiller, and to rotavate and re-seed the grass.

Many villagers commented about the poor state of the green even before Wessex Water started their work.

The green has got a bit out of control over the past ten years. There are some extremely large bushes, trees and stinging nettles which have grown out of all proportion. It's a little bit too overgrown.

Part of the green is held in trust by the parish council on behalf of residents, while Wessex Water, Thames Water and Wiltshire County Council are responsible for the remainder of the land.