MALMESBURY Bowls Club was bowled over when a male streaker, dressed in nothing but a hat, ran across their bowling green, near Goose Bridge.

The club's captain, Roger Wickham, said the Malmesbury team and a visiting team from Penrthys Park, in Wales, were having supper in the clubhouse on Saturday, July 8.

He said: The next thing we saw was a naked person coming across the green. It was a bit of a shock. The club has been going for about 93 years, and there has never been anything like this before."

He said the streaker, a man in his late 20 or early 30s, appeared to have come from the direction of the River Walk.

He said: People just laughed. All he had on was an old-fashioned, wide-rimmed 60s-looking hat. He ran slowly across the green, took off his hat, did a sort of somersault and bowed.

The streaker then jumped over a wall leading on to Baskerville Road, where he was handed his clothes by a group of friends. Once dressed, the man came back into the clubhouse for a round of applause.

A female club member said: He was a good-looking young man in his late 20s. And he was all man.

It's taken a long time for Malmesbury Bowls Club to get a streaker. I know Lords get them, but it's the first time we've had one. And such a nice-looking one too.