TWELVE Swindon teenagers are heading for an adventure of a lifetime.

They are taking part in the borough's first Millennium Expedition which will spend three weeks in Arctic Norway.

They set off on Wednesday, July 5, for Bergen in two vans towing seven canoes behind them.

From there they will travel to the Lofoton islands, arriving on Sunday, where they will take part in various activities.

They will spend three weeks on the islands at Kabelvag, the ancient Viking capital of North Norway.

But the first four days will be spent training, getting used to the terrain and the rivers, and ensuring their safety drill is up to scratch.

The expedition is being led by Robert Egelstaff, who runs Swindon Council's outdoor activity centre at Plas Pencelli, in the Brecon Beacons.

He said: There is a 3,000 ft mountain range which will test their climbing ability and a fjord for basic canoe training. I am hoping we can get to some good climbing using the rivers.

The fourth week of the expedition will involve the youngsters, the oldest is 19, organising their own expedition.