GENTLEMEN in Seend have been donating their ties to create a quilt to raise money for charity.

Margaret Moore, 62, of School Road, made the quilt using silk, cotton, polyester and viscose ties.

The quilt took about six months to make and is approximately 72 inches wide by 90 inches long.

The quilt consists of 200-300 cut up ties, including some from Russia and one from Japan.

Mrs Moore has been making quilts for eight years, but normally from new cotton patches, not secondhand ties.

The ties have to be unpicked, washed, ironed and then sorted, said Mrs Moore.

Mrs Moore has now donated the quilt to raise money through a raffle for the Seend Church Restoration Fund. The money raised will go towards a new path for the disabled at the church.

Raffle tickets are available at £1 from members of the Parochial Church Council or send an SAE to Gwyn Hopkins, Nornour, High Street, Seend. The raffle will be drawn at the village carol concert in December.