DESPITE half a century of marriage, Sheila and Joe Giles admit they act like two teenagers.

The Cricklade couple celebrated their golden wedding Saturday, July 1, with a giant garden party.

But the fun and frolics do not end there. At the end of the month Sheila, 69, and Joe, 74, head off for a week's holiday in Torquay for the third time this year.

Mrs Giles said: It doesn't feel like we've been married for 50 years because we feel so young.

People never believe us when we tell them because we look young.

Mrs Giles says their chance meeting in 1950, when she was 19 and Mr Giiles was 24, was an act of fate.

I had never even been in a pub before, she said. I only went in to look for a friend. That's when I saw Joe at the bar so I started talking to him.