PARISHIONERS in West Ashton are marking the millennium with a flower festival.

The three-day event at St John's Church, from July 7 to 9, will depict events through the ages.

The packed programme includes a photography exhibition, and a cheese and wine evening at Welam House on Friday evening.

The church will be open Saturday between 10am and 6pm and entrance is free.

Cream teas will be available between 2.30pm and 6pm, and there is a treasure hunt around the village from 2.30pm-4.30pm.

A special service is being held on Sunday between 10.30am and 11.30am, and the church will remain open until 6.30pm for people to view the flowers.

The festival comes to a finish with a celebration in the church for a thanksgiving with the Bath Citadel Salvation Army Band.