HEDDINGTON'S former post office will not be demolished to make way for a housing development.

Brian and Barbara Carter, of Church Road, who own the former post office building, have decided to leave the building intact, and sell land at the rear instead.

An extension at the side of the building however, will be pulled down.

Planning officers from North Wiltshire District Council will now decide whether to grant outline planning permission for the land, which the Carters then hope to sell on to a developer for housing.

A viewing panel visited the site and said they would prefer the old post office to be retained, said Mrs Carter.

We went along with that because we don't mind leaving the post office there at all.

The remainder of the half acre plot in the centre of the village would be given over to housing, but Mrs Carter said she did not know how many houses would be built. The original application was for four.

Parish councillors, who held an emergency meeting to discuss the plan, were divided. Twelve letters of objection have been sent to the district planners by neighbours opposing the development.