A new half-a-million-pound extension for the Gorse Hill Baptist Church was officially opened by Mayor Arthur Archer and council leader Sue Bates.

The extension was praised by all the worshippers who turned up to see the dedication and those involved said it had been worth the long wait.

Church member John Westall was the church's deacon 10 years ago when the idea for the extension was first discussed.

"It has been great to see what was originally nothing more than a toilet block transformed into this fantastic new part of the building," said Mr Westall.

The new building work means the church now has a new hall, three new classrooms, a balcony, a new entrance hall and kitchens.

"It is completely different the change has been fantastic," he said.

It is hoped that having the improved facilities will mean the church can become a more integral part of the Gorse Hill community.

With the extra space, a weight watchers' class, gymnastics and other community groups are reaping the benefits of the church's investment.

All of the £450,000 it has cost to build the new parts of the church was raised by the members of the church.

Mr Westall said: "A lot of people have been stopping to have a look at the improvements that have been made.

"I think people are interested to see that, in this day and age when many churches are being knocked down and forgotten about, this one is being built up.

"For many years the face of Gorse Hill may have been seen as a little run down. Now with what looks like a brand new building at the entrance to Gorse Hill, the emphasis is changing to Gorse Hill as an area which is starting to regenerate."

The dedication service, which was held on Saturday morning, was the start of a weekend of celebrations which marked the opening of the new extension.

Other events to mark the occasion over the weekend included a children's party, a concert, a lunch and a thanksgiving service.