IN THE wake of the recent Kenyon Confronts television programme, which exposed the ill-treatment of dogs by some members of the greyhound racing fraternity, protection group Greyhound Action has launched a scheme to enable people to give practical help.

Sadly, many thousands of greyhounds are killed when their racing days are over and, of those that survive, hundreds end up living out their days in rescue centre kennels.

The kind people who run these centres often struggle to make ends meet and cannot usually afford the cost of coats to keep the greyhounds warm in winter.

Greyhound coats can be made quite easily from old or unwanted blankets and we are urgently in need of volunteers to make them. If you can help, please contact us as soon as possible and we will send you a pattern and full instructions. If you have any greyhound coats to spare, let us know and we will provide you with details of centres that need them.

You can write to Greyhound Action at PO Box 127, Kidderminster, DY10 3UZ, telephone us on (01562) 745778, e-mail us at or fax us on (0870) 138 3993.


Greyhound Action, Kidderminster