MOTHER Debbie Carslaw was so touched by the abduction and murder of eight-year-old Sarah Payne last year she suggested setting up a bank account for victim support.

Roy Whiting, 42, was jailed for life at Lewes Crown Court in December for the abduction and murder of Sarah, who he snatched from a lane near Littlehampton in July 2000.

Ms Carslaw, 39, a cashier at the Malmesbury branch of The Halifax, in the High Street, contacted the company's head office after the court case with the idea of setting up an account to help the families of crime victims.

The account went live on Friday and anyone, anywhere in the country, can contribute to it at their local Halifax branch. The account number is E-03316-01.

Andrew Buckingham, from Victim Support, in London, said the money would be used to finance a nationwide course for victims of serious crime, such as rape or domestic violence.

Ms Carslaw has a daughter, Natalie, 16, who is a pupil at Malmesbury School.

She said she was pleased the account has been set up, having been moved by the bravery of Sarah's parents Sara and Michael. "Even if you don't have children you just couldn't help but be touched by the dignity that woman carried through the court case," said Ms Carslaw.

"They were just ordinary people and it showed that something like that could happen to anyone, and we don't know when we will need people like Victim Support."

Halifax spokesman Chris Sonne said branches would be displaying posters advertising the account next month.

It coincides with Victim Support week, between February 18-24. Mr Sonne said Halifax hope to raise several thousand pounds next month but could not place a figure on other months.