A COUPLE celebrating their golden wedding anniversary have chosen to give a special gift, rather than receive one.

Reg and Mavis Waymont of Abberd Way, Calne, who have six children, 19 grandchildren and six great grandchildren collected money from friends and family in lieu of presents.

They are giving the cash to the Portage group in Hungerdown Lane, Chippenham. The group runs a home visiting service for pre-school children with additional learning and development needs. The service is used by Mr and Mrs Waymont's great granddaughter, 15-month-old Natasha Gorry, from Calne, who has Down's Syndrome.

Mr Waymont, 71, said: "They have done a lot for our family. Natasha is such a lovely little girl and this service really helps. They need as much support as they can get for extra things they need."

Yesterday, Mr and Mrs Waymont handed over the cash to Maggie Huws, a volunteer on the management committee of Portage.despite the fact that little Natasha was taken ill in the morning.

She was admitted to the Royal United Hospital, in Bath, suffering from problems with her colon.