ON reading the 48 Hours supplement on March 16, I was delighted to read the article by Victoria Tagg she made me laugh and what a breath of fresh air she is.

Victoria told it like it is. She looked and found that beneath the litter, doom and gloom there is a lot going for Swindon and its people.

But we do deserve better before Swindon can come anywhere near a city. I am a senior citizen and Swindonian and have been saddened to see the loss of town cinemas and fruit shops, and historical buildings torn down and left to rot. But we are in a time of change and I remain optimistic about Swindon's future.

So come on you Moonrakers, prove you are not all litter louts. When Swindon is cleaned up, perhaps everyone including visitors will feel much happier about being in Swindon


Vorda Road
