TRADERS at The Triangle in Malmesbury say business has been hit after Wiltshire County Council replaced parking spaces with disabled bays.

A county council spokesman said the disabled spaces outside The Three Cups pub, in The Triangle, were requested by the Access For Disabled group, supported by the town council.

However, David Scull, the proprietor of Triangle Stores, said the bays are unoccupied for much of the day.

He suggested the county council make just one space for the disabled or create spaces on the same side of the road as the shops.

Mr Scull, 57, said the loss of the spaces, coupled with the closure of Westport Post Office and Triangle News last month, has hit business.

"People come round and when they cannot park they go down to the supermarket," he said.

Kevin Ballard, 41, the owner of Triangle Fisheries and Foods, said he has two disabled customers, and they park outside the shop.

"I think it's ridiculous, I have nothing against disabled people but it's hard enough to park in Malmesbury as it is," he said.