WORK to erect a giant telecommunications mast close to new school buildings could begin as soon as August.

Swindon Council last month gave BT Cellnet prior approval to put up a 12-metre mast on land north of Ocotal Way, about 100 metres from St Joseph's School's lower school.

New school buildings, proposed to be built on the site in three years' time, will be even closer to the transmitter.

Councillors on the planning committee initially voted to reject the application because they were concerned of the effects of possible radiation on children.

But they had to reverse their decision because government planning rules state that councils cannot use health risks as a reason for turning down mobile phone transmitters.

James Stevenson, O2 (formerly BT Cellnet) community relations manager, said: "At the moment the mast is definitely going ahead.

"However, we are constantly assessing out network and if it transpires that we don't need this mast then we will go elsewhere.

"The fact that the mast in is close proximity to a school should not be of concern to anyone.

"None of our radio frequencies have been shown to have any adverse effects. It's got a clear bill of health and is clean and valued technology."

St Joseph's headteacher Peter Wells said: "The reason the school complained is that we are unaware of any research that says mobile phone masts are safe. The jury is still out so we thought the site was inappropriate.

"We understand fully the reasons for the council granting planning permission and are not angry with it.

"We are not yet certain of the implications of mobile phone masts for our children's health, but the council has been obliged to pass it through and we accept that."