THE proposal with North Wiltshire District Council's planning department to extend the dual carriageway to the Safeway's roundabout is a dangerous idea, both from the environmental and road safety viewpoint.

The environmental case: Any upheaval caused by the construction of an extension to the dual carriageway is unacceptable and unnecessary.

The area in question is perilously close to the protective buffers around Birds Marsh Wood, and the district council has said repeatedly, that this protected area, including the buffers, will be respected.

The road user's case: The present road design, which narrows as one approaches the Chippenham golf course from the M4, is fairly successful in slowing Chippenham's in-coming traffic, prior to negotiating the Safeways roundabout.

Out-going traffic, after negotiating this busy roundabout, is able to filter into the overtaking lane if they so desire quite safely.

There is no need to change these present arrangements. And, as the saying goes: If it works, leave it alone.

The present system has a natural tendency to slow traffic, which is what the Government and local authorities are so keen to progress.

As a regular user of this dual carriageway I have no desire to rush up to, or away from, the Safeway's roundabout. I think the idea is dangerous and the proposal should be scrapped.

However, my abiding concern is for the Birds Marsh Wood environment.

This is the most special place, and I look to theplanning department to honour this commitment to leave it for future generations to enjoy.


Brookwell Close, Chippenham