YOU have to have some sympathy for Garry Perkins.

He had the courage to take on the role of lead member for education at a time when the department had been roundly criticised by Government inspectors and morale among people associated with Swindon's schools was very low.

He has worked very hard since then to make a difference, yet his reward was to be voted from the council.

He was perhaps doomed by his high profile role in a tainted education department. He suffered a predictable backlash from a public fed up with the underperformance of the council generally and keen to give somebody a bloody nose in retribution.

It was a poor night for the Conservatives, who had hoped to win seats from Labour.

Last night's vote has left the council with a precarious status quo and more uncertainty.

What this town needs now is stability and direction.

And that means it is essential that the three parties work together for the good of Swindon by throwing aside political differences and moving forward through consensus.