I RECEIVED a phone call from my mother on Monday, May 6, who was at my father's graveside to place flowers on his grave and my two grandmothers.

To her horror she was met by a cemetery akin to a jungle. Nettles, wild rose bushes, grass all out of control. Along with my partner Miss S Whitty we went to view and we too were absolutely shocked at what we saw. I would say it was a cemetery that would be fit for a Dracula film.

One part of the cemetery is supposed to be tended by Uffington Parish Council, and one part by I believe the church. I must point out that it says on the Church Notice Board that the cemetery is a conservation area to preserve wild life, but surely there is a limit as to how wild they let it go.

It is a most beautiful church heaped in history. I would not want my funeral there, let alone getting married there.


Stapleton Close

