ANNE Lubin, letters May 2, should be singing the praises of David Blunkett, being a supporter of New Labour.

David Blunkett, in his recent comments on asylum seekers' children, was only saying what many people are thinking.

There is no way anyone who forces their way into Britain illegally, uninvited, having made no attempt to contact the nearest British embassy or consulate to apply for permission to come here, and then expects to be supported by the taxpayer, is a genuine refugee.

Most of these people once they are here make no attempt to apply for permission to settle here legally, and to make matters worse many have been responsible for theft, mugging, rape, assault, and threatening behaviour.

To compare Mr Blunkett with Le Pen and the BNP just leaves me astonished. It is wonderful that we have at least one member of the government who is prepared to tell things the way they are, and not to be politically correct.

I have no problem with anyone coming to settle in Britain if they come legally, and of course we can benefit from controlled immigration, but this mad free for all through the tunnel puts national security at risk.

I'm sorry Anne, but political correctness helps no one.

Peter Bates


