A PAIR of robins have turned their beaks up at the miles of hedgerow available in the Wylye Valley and have chosen instead to build their nest in a busy garage workshop.

Peter Bates, owner of Riverside Garage, in Stapleford, his workshop manager Steve Daniels and mechanic Jim Duckett are delighted with their new companions, who now have five chicks.

The birds built their nest in one of the tidybins used to store washers.

Mr Bates (51) said it all started five weeks ago.

"There were leaves scattered all over the tidybins and we thought 'What is going on here'?" he said.

"Then, a week later, we noticed the central bin was filling up with moss and bits and pieces, and we came in one Monday morning and there were two eggs.

"They were cold, so we thought the bird must have forgotten them and flown away.

"But the next day, there were another three eggs, and two weeks later, they hatched out - it's quite extraordinary.

"I don't know why they chose the bins, considering it's not the cleanest place and it's noisy, but they take no notice of us."