ST JOHN Ambulance is running a first aid course at Swindon's Tesco Extra store next week, as part of its Mother and Baby Save a Life Campaign.

The three-hour course will take place next Tuesday from 6-9pm. It costs £5 and is aimed at parents.

The campaign, sponsored by Tesco, was launched after research showed that nine out of ten parents in Britain do not know basic first aid.

Two thirds did not think their child's carer would know what to do in a medical emergency.

Only 28 per cent of parents have ever been on a first aid course and two thirds of them say it was so long ago that they cannot remember what they were taught.

The Save a Life campaign hopes to improve parents' first aid skills and help cut down on the number of unnecessary accidents in the home.

Courses are being held at stores across the country over the next year, covering accident prevention in the home as well as basic first aid techniques.