YOUR article on the subject of the monarchy (EA, May 30) only emphasises the fact that the younger generation has no idea of the reason so many fought and died in the last war. It was to save them from having to "Sieg heil" or bow to a Japanese Emperor ie to save our country and way of life so that future generations would not be subject to oppression. Our Royal Family is part of the things we fought for and long may it stay that way.

Too many youngsters think only of the cost of the Royal Family, a situation that is not helped by the ranting of certain newspaper columnists usually of the younger generation, who fail to show the whole picture.

They conveniently forget that the Royal Family enriches this country simply because of its existence and the traditions that exist because of it. The input on one area alone, tourism, is incalculable to this country and the pluses of the Monarchy well outweigh the negatives.

I have seen countries with presidents, mostly elected by big business in return for favours, countries headed by bullies who are out to feather their own nests, and countries with respected kings and queens, and believe me, we in this country have the best system and the best heads of state.

If those young people interviewed on May 30 would go a little further and research the costs of the alternatives to our monarchy, they would very quickly find that the Royal Family is one of the most cost-effective systems in the world and that to want to destroy it is mindless.

Too much is made of what the Royal Family has, and not enough of what it gives this country and it is time the people in this island of ours recognised that fact.


Perrys Lane
