You may be aware that June 7-13 is National Volunteers Week.

I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all of those people who volunteer their time in support of Oxfam.

As an Oxfam shop manager, I am only too aware that without the time given by our volunteers we would not be able to keep our shops open. We do not always show our appreciation of the hard work that our volunteers do, but I know all managers and Oxfam as an organisation, agree with my sentiments.

Many of our volunteers help not just because they believe in the work that Oxfam does, but because they enjoy the company of other volunteers, or because they wish to learn new skills or meet new people.

Whatever the reason, without them, many thousands of people would suffer or even die due to reasons out of their control, be it earthquake, flood, war or severe poverty. Our volunteers save lives.

I would also like to thank our knitters, who knit blankets and jumpers to be sent to disaster zones as part of Oxfam's emergency aid. I could fill a page in praise of our volunteers, but I will just say thank you again, and keep up the good work, you are all truly appreciated.

Jackie Parry,

Oxfam Shop Manager,

High Street,
