A HOSPICE that cares for terminally ill people raised £7,500 at an open day highlighting alternative therapies.

The Prospect Hospice held a Health and Happiness Matters event with stalls on holistic medicine, arts and crafts as well as information on conventional medicine.

An extra £135 was raised after Deborah Jones of Intel bid for a weekend at the Bellhouse De Vere Hotel in Buckinghamshire.

The item, donated by De Vere, was for two nights' accommodation including use of the leisure facilities.

Gillian Richardson, community fundraiser for the hospice, said: "The money raised will go towards the cost of patient care. We have to raise 64 per cent of our funding ourselves so every penny counts.

"The health and happiness day was all about getting the most out of life and making the most of each day which is what the hospice does for people who are terminally ill."