COVINGHAM Park Infant School has now become an Eco-School.

Eco-Schools is a national scheme being supported by Swindon Council and the Great Western Community Forest.

A survey of the school's waste revealed that more than 90 per cent was paper, all of which was going to landfill sites and adding to the growing waste disposal problem in the county.

A paper recycling scheme was quickly started the litter bins were removed and replaced with recycling points.

The idea soon caught on, and children came up with new ideas such as recycling plastic bottles as pen holders and vases.

Lynn Forrester, Swindon Council local Agenda 21 co-ordinator, said: "The school now intends to link up with other schools who are moving in the same direction to secure a more sustainable future."

If you would like more details on how to become an Eco-School, contact Lynn Forrester on Swindon 466167.