IF you've ever thought about adoption but wouldn't know where to start, Swindon adoption agency Parents and Children Together has published an information leaflet.

Adoption Could you make the Difference? contains details on what qualities adopters need, the children who are waiting to be adopted and how PACT can guide applicants through the process.

The agency, which has been find-ing homes for children across Swin-don for 40 years, hopes to attract people interested in adopting groups of brothers and sisters, children with disabilities and those from African-Carribean, Asian Muslim or mixed heritage.

PACT chief executive Yvette Gayford said: "We understand that some people want to know more about adoption but may want to find out in an informal way. This leaflet explains, in simple terms, what sort of people adopt, the sort of children who need new families and the steps the adopters go through."

The leaflet is available in doctors' surgeries or by phoning 0800 731 1845.