LONGLEAT has appointed a new sculptor in residence to unveil it's latest exhibition in the grounds of the house.

Stone sculptor, Nicolas Moreton, exhibits eight larger than life stone carvings, including a seven foot tall naked man and a baby in a mothers womb. Around 14 tonnes of British stone has been used to create the pieces, each of which are hand carved and polished by the artist for the exhibition, called Passages.

Mr Moreton revealed the exhibits have already provoked many powerful reactions and said: "It's great to have so many people commenting on my work. Some people are thrilled and entertained, some like to touch and others are not amused."

Mr Moreton trained in 1985 at Wolverhampton Polytechnic and in 1995 he was elected to become a member of the Royal Society of British sculptors. He opened his own studio in Northamptonshire where he has lived and worked since.