THANKS to County Councillor Tony Moore it has been made public that West Wiltshire District Council is likely to refuse the development of the Ushers' site in Trowbridge by retail developer Foinavon.

This means once again Trowbridge will suffer.

National retailers such as Matalan, TK Maxx and Laura Ashley have said they wish to open in Trowbridge. Only the redeveloped Ushers' site offers retail accommodation large enough for their business operation.

Why is the district council against this much-needed improvement for Trowbridge?

Is it feasible that some people at the district council favour another developer Capitalis who has land at the other end of the town?

However we have no idea what retail accommodation Capitalis are proposing, as their plans have not even been submitted, whereas Foinavon's plans have been with the district council for 10 months or more.

I also understand that Capitalis want to demolish the Civic Hall and build on the People's Park.

Trowbridge needs large shops, not yet more promises and visions.

Why not let Trowbridge people decide? Let's have a town poll on this all-important issue.

I challenge the district council to organise such a poll.


Trowbridge Town Councillor,

Chepston Place,
