GARDENERS have been helping brighten up west Wiltshire by taking part in each of the town's floral competitions.

Kieran Duggan, four, impressed Trowbridge in Bloom judges with his hanging basket and received a certificate. The youngster developed his skills by helping grandmother Molly Stewart in her Lambrok Close garden.

Trowbridge judges were very impressed with the standard of entries and in Bradford, organisers said the town's entries were of an exceptional standard.

Melksham has also been celebrating the results of the town's competition.

Residential Trowbridge in Bloom

Results in 1, 2, 3 order unless otherwise stated

Front garden: Mr Williams, Bradley Road; Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road; jt 3 Mrs Davis, Biss Meadow, Mr Phillips, Rosedale Gardens; HC Mrs Jones, The Spinney, Mr Bolton, Trowbridge Lodge.

Rear garden: Mr Hare and Mr Glass, Alum Close; Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road; jt 3 Mr Williams, Bradley Road, Mrs Davis, Biss Meadow; HC Mr Moles, Wyke Road, Mr Milner, Frome Road.

Patio: Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road; jt 2 Mr Gooding, Trowbridge Lodge, Mr Milner, Frome Road; jt 3 Mr Williams, Bradley Road, Mrs Crump, Churchfields.

Window box/container/tub: Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road; Mr Milner, Frome Road; Mr Phillips, Rosedale Gardens.

Hanging basket: Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road; Mr Phillips, Rosedale Gardens; Mr Gooding, Trowbridge Lodge; HC Mr Baker, Albert Road.

Fruit basket: Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road.

Jubilee feature: Mr William, Bradley Road; Mr Phillips, Rosedale Gardens; Mrs Longdon, Balmoral Road.

Residential street: 1 Albert Road, 3 Churchfields.

Residential area: 1 Trowbridge Lodge; 2 Spinney.

Allotments: Mr Bridewell, Gloucester Road Allotments; Mrs Fahay, Gloucester Road Allotments; Mrs Adams, Gloucester Road Allotments.

New front garden: HC Mrs James, Jenkins Street.

New back garden: 1 Mrs Grout, Stokehill (Hilperton, Paxcroft Mead, Trowbridge side); 2 Mrs James, Jenkins Street.


Results 1, 2, 3 order unless otherwise stated

Best floral frontage (commercial/industrial): Castle Place Shopping Centre, Bishop Longbotham Bagnall.

Best floral frontage (shop premises): Match, HB Pitt Ltd.

Best floral frontage (licensed premises): Polebarn Hotel, The John Bull.

Best public house garden: Wiltshire Yeoman, The John Bull.

Best window box/tub/container (commercial/industrial/

licensed premises): The John Bull, Trowbridge Register Office.

Best window box/tub/

container: HB Pitt Ltd.

Best hanging basket (commercial/industrial): Castle Place, The John Bull, jt 3 Brian Fitchett and Trowbridge Register Office.

Best hanging basket (shop premises): Avon Business Machines.

Best commercial street: Church Walk, Market Street.

Best new commercial garden: Berkeleys.

Best primary school floral display: St Johns, Studley.

Best secondary school floral display: 1 John of Gaunt, Clarendon.

Best public building floral display: Trowbridge Register Office, Trowbridge Library.

Bradford on Avon in Bloom results

Results in 1, 2, 3 order unless otherwise stated

Domestic section

Best hanging basket: Miss J Wicheard, Winsley Road; Mr N Day, Southfield Close; jt 3 Mrs E Davies, Loddon Way, Mr Maundrell, New Road.

Best tub or window box: Mr DB Phillips, Trowbridge Road; Mrs E Davies, Loddon Way; Mrs H Ponting, Coppice Hill.

Best front garden: Mr RL Bristow, Magnon Road; Mr A Burroughs, Huntington Rise; Mrs P Bennell, Palairet Close; HC Mr WR Driver, Southfield Road.

Best hidden garden/back of house garden: Mrs P Bennell, Palairet Close; Mrs RL Bristow, Magnon Road; Mr DB Phillips, Trowbridge Road.

Best garden by old age pensioner: Mr RL Bristow, Magnon Road; Mr DB Phillips, Trowbridge Road; Mr P Harris, New Road; HC Mr WR Driver, Southfield Road.

Best vegetable garden or allotment: Mr V Burchell, Church Street; Mr BN Hazell, Winsley Road.

Best garden overall: Mrs P Bennell, Palairet Close.

Best Golden Jubilee themed garden: Mr DB Phillips, Trowbridge Road; Mrs E Davies, Loddon Way, Mr BN Hazell, Winsley Road; HC Mr P Harris, New Road.

Children's flowers: David John Davies, Loddon Way; Cherry Riley, Berryfield Road; Grace Riley, Berryfield Road.

Children's own bed: 1 James Davies, Loddon Way.


Best hanging basket: The Lock Inn Cottage, The Dandy Lion, Three Horseshoes, HC Scribbling Horse.

Best tub or window box: The Kings Arms, Centre of Complementary Medicine, Tillions, HC Lock Inn, Bradford Sports and Social Club.

Best shop window: Tillions, Perfect Day, Riverhouse.

Best pub: The Dandy Lion, The Kings Arms, The Three Horseshoes, HC The Bunch of Grapes.

Best guest house/restaurant/hotel: The Scribbling Horse, Lock Inn Cottage, Mr Salvat's Coffee Room, The Town House.

Best street scene: jt St Thomas More Roman Catholic Church, The Lock Inn Cottage.

Best public or commercial building: Bradford Sports and Social Club

Melksham in Bloom results

Results in 1, 2, 3 order unless otherwise stated

Best overall garden: Roy and Heather Songhurst, St Andrews Road. Large front garden: Sue Mitchener, Savernake Avenue; Mrs D Kerr, Savernake Avenue; Mrs K Bailey, Lincoln Green. Large rear garden: Gordon Bridger and Sue Paisey, Methuen Avenue; jt 2 Bryan Sandford, Montague Place and Mrs J Rendell, Cheshire Close; Mr H Hulbert, Coronation Road; HC Sue Mitchener, Savernake Avenue. Small front garden: Bruce Petty, St Michael's Road; Bob and Jill Head, Laburnum Drive; Roy and Heather Songhurst, St Andrews Road; HC Mr A Hasted, Craybourne Road. Small rear garden: Bob and Jill Head, Laburnum Drive; Mrs D Kerr, Savernake Avenue; jt 3 Mrs B Worledge, Lowbourne and Roy and Heather Songhurst, St Andrews Road. Paved area front or backyard (domestic): 1 Nikki Green, Church Walk; 2 George Harrild, Rowley Place. Best decorated site (commercial/-licensed/industrial premises): Conigre Farm Hotel, Semington Road; The Old Stable Market, High Street; George Ward School, Shurnhold. Best single tub container (domestic): Sue Mitchener, Savernake Avenue; Roy and Heather Songhurst, St Andrews Road; Mrs D Kerr, Savernake Avenue. Best hanging basket (domestic): Roy and Heather Songhurst, St Andrews Road; Alison Whinton, Savernake Avenue; Jenny Yarwood, Fulmar Close. Best street: Church Walk, Savernake Avenue, Woodcombe. Best hanging basket, commercial/licensed/industrial/industrial premises: 1 Conigre Farm Hotel, Semington Road. Best hanging basket (shop premises): 1 The Old Stable Yard, High Street; 2 Julian Edwards (Interiors) Ltd, Church Street. Most unusual or environmentally friendly garden: Doreen Munroe, Sandridge Road; Margaret Stanley, Semington Road; Lowbourne Infants School, Lowbourne.