TALENTED CHILDREN from Hilperton Primary School staged a musical production of Robin Hood last week.

The children, aged between seven and eleven, dressed up and sang to two hundred and fifty parents and friends of the school during three performances last Thursday and Friday, held in the school hall.

Members of the audience joined in with the singing, cheering the hero and jeering the villain.

Pupils from year six made up the cast members but school children from as young as reception class helped to make scenery and costumes for the production.

Head teacher, Susan Haldane, said: "Talented children from year six were chosen to perform, which was a success".

The play was rounded off with a rendition of 'Do the Rocking Robin', as homage to its hero Robin Hood.

In addition to that, the school held a non uniform day and had a cake sale, which raised £289 for the Charlotte Wakeham appeal.